Small Creatures – children’s books

Small Creatures - children's books
Yet to be published ...
I am an Artist, a teacher, and a writer – I have a new series: Small Creatures – illustrated environmental educational books, aimed at 8yr+, KS 2 / middle grade children, or anyone. Although created in response to working in primary schools, they are intended for anyone interested in beautiful tome, to treasure as a thing of art, read to – or with – a younger environmentally minded person. A bit Beatrix Potter with added ecological awareness, life cycle and folk stories. A full edited, illustrated, formatted text of Jenny Wren is attached. I feel this does fit with the ethos of Chelsea Green, if not something usually published.
I have a passion for the natural world, I want to share. Whilst working as a supply teacher, in schools in Southend-on-Sea, Essex, UK, I came up with the idea of a series of children’s books that introduce children to life cycles and folk tales of small animals that surround us, Jenny Wren is the first, I was working with children who didn’t know where eggs come from. I trained initially as an archaeological illustrator and love the intricacies of pen and ink illustration. As a child I spent hours pouring over Victorian books of faerie tales and still love the Brambly Hedge series of books. Currently, I work with homeschool / out of mainstream school kids in a forest school and running Art workshops with adults, I work with a number of local galleries and run monthly life drawing days – I have over 15 books in the series, bubbling away.
I have almost finished book two, Iron Henry, about the common frog, I am very keen to get Jenny Wren out into the world. Jenny Wren got fairly close to realisation with a very small local self publisher in North Devon. I have worked with an independent editor, and considered the layout of a square tome – for small and large hands. I returned to Bideford in 2018. I worked hard to launch a Kickstarter, but it all got a bit muddlesome – 40% to the publisher and 60% for the print costs … plus costs… Covid-19, broke, no supply teaching … In a stumble of entrepreneurial enthusiasm, I am sending it out again.
I envisage a beautiful first edition hardback book that would be a perfect gift for any child – or collector of fine tomes – for sale in outside orientated places, RHS garden shops, national garden centres and places to visit, as well as book shops; and a second run of much cheaper paperback books to sell to schools in class reader sets. This is the video I made for the Kickstarter which is a pretty rounded introduction to me and my work, and my brand (I hope you are able to load the link):
Synopsis / blurb:
Small Creatures – Jenny Wren
A gentle tale of a small creature found in abundance across gardens, parks, and the wild spaces of Eurasia. Learn about the life cycle of the wren and the stories and tales associated with the wren, a tiny, fascinating bird. Develop environmental awareness, and learn about some strange history and traditions, with lots of interesting information and facts about one of the world’s tiniest birds. A fact file, glossary and questions add to the educational value of this little book.
I am dyslexic, not something I often share, however the representation of minority groups seems to be a big theme currently. I’m never quite sure about positive discrimination – as a teacher I think the energy and brilliance of any piece of work should be more significant than the status of its creator – I am a maker wanting visibility for my work, to share my ideas. Furthermore, I have experience of teaching phonics in state primary schools, lots of Art teaching and lots of tricks for dyslexic learners. Etymology inspires reading, learning and being engaged with the world. My books are educational and aim to inspire: facilitate a love of etymology, the natural world and both challenge and support reading.
I launched 8 of the Jenny Wren illustrations as part of my exhibition program last summer – I am confident there is a substantial audience for my books. I have two small galleries in Devon selling first edition giclee prints, greetings cards and little tiny badges: merchandise is happening. Furthermore, I have had success selling limited edition prints of the illustrations at local markets; there is a reasonable waiting list of buyers waiting for the book, I do not want to self-publish – no idea how to sell books, I am in the process of building a new website (I broke the one I have currently with the wrong size of .jpg or something about graphic ratio settings beyond my understanding the new one is growing slowly)