Reproductions of small edition prints, 14x14cm greetings cards. Sirens – mythical singing women of the sea, mermaids, luring fishermen to their deaths with song. Rosie wants to depict women as thinkers, strong, singular entities not mother or queen or sex object, able to indulge and be guilty of sloth, envy, lust, violence, or power and still maintain feminine beauty – sirens. Some titles connect to powerful women in history, feminist icons and femme fetale. Experiencing depictions of women in Degas delicate dancers and burlesque bathers, Rodin’s fallen in the gates of hell and sexualised drawings of women: Gustaf Klimt, Egon Sheila and Eric Gill; Henry Moore’s gigantic queens and powerful mothers cradling infants reinforce the same depictions investigated in Archaeology. Rosie’s prints allude to the depiction of form through line: influenced by the women in Picasso’s blue period drawings and reductionist line drawings by Matisse.